# Language Detector model for Apache OpenNLP #

The model were trained with the Leipzig corpus, which can be found here: http://wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de/en/download/
The model can detect 103 languages in ISO 639-3 standard. The languages are:

afr	Afrikaans
ara	Arabic
ast	Asturian
aze	Azerbaijani
bak	Bashkir
bel	Belarusian
ben	Bengali
bos	Bosnian
bre	Breton
bul	Bulgarian
cat	Catalan
ceb	Cebuano
ces	Czech
che	Chechen
cmn	Mandarin Chinese
cym	Welsh
dan	Danish
deu	German
ekk	Standard Estonian
ell	Greek, Modern
eng	English
epo	Esperanto
est	Estonian
eus	Basque
fao	Faroese
fas	Persian
fin	Finnish
fra	French
fry	Western Frisian
gle	Irish
glg	Galician
gsw	Swiss German
guj	Gujarati
heb	Hebrew
hin	Hindi
hrv	Croatian
hun	Hungarian
hye	Armenian
ind	Indonesian
isl	Icelandic
ita	Italian
jav	Javanese
jpn	Japanese
kan	Kannada
kat	Georgian
kaz	Kazakh
kir	Kirghiz
kor	Korean
lat	Latin
lav	Latvian
lim	Limburgan
lit	Lithuanian
ltz	Luxembourgish
lvs	Standard Latvian
mal	Malayalam
mar	Marathi
min	Minangkabau
mkd	Macedonian
mlt	Maltese
mon	Mongolian
mri	Maori
msa	Malay
nan	Min Nan Chinese
nds	Low German
nep	Nepali
nld	Dutch
nno	Norwegian Nynorsk
nob	Norwegian Bokmål
oci	Occitan
pan	Panjabi
pes	Iranian Persian
plt	Plateau Malagasy
pnb	Western Panjabi
pol	Polish
por	Portuguese
pus	Pushto
ron	Romanian
rus	Russian
san	Sanskrit
sin	Sinhala
slk	Slovak
slv	Slovenian
som	Somali
spa	Spanish
sqi	Albanian
srp	Serbian
sun	Sundanese
swa	Swahili
swe	Swedish
tam	Tamil
tat	Tatar
tel	Telugu
tgk	Tajik
tgl	Tagalog
tha	Thai
tur	Turkish
ukr	Ukrainian
urd	Urdu
uzb	Uzbek
vie	Vietnamese
vol	Volapük
war	Waray
zul	Zulu

There are more than 103 languages, it was decided to not to include all available languages from the Leipzig corpus into the model. If an important language is missing please contact us on the Apache OpenNLP dev mailing list (dev@opennlp.apache.org).

## Reproducing the work

### Preparing the data

* Checkout Leipzig corpus

svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/bigdata/opennlp/trunk opennlp-corpus

### Training and evaluation

export OPENNLP_HOME=<path to Apache OpenNLP installation>
cd opennlp-corpus/leipzig
sh create_langdetect_model.sh <model name>

The training result will be at `target` folder.